Monday, 10 October 2016

Build The Wall analysis

1) Section 1 - Journalism isn't appreciated in society anymore and that we should have a pay wall.

Section 2 - The internet isn't being used properly and is being misused and because of this they need to find a way to set up a pay wall.

Section 3 - Newspapers are struggling to compete with the internet because there is a decline in the use of newspapers.

Section 4 - If there is a pay wall then it will be more beneficial in the long run.

2) David Simon is saying that the newspaper industry is far from losing importance in society today even though there is a decline it is still important.  If a pay wall is introduced then it will be harder for newspapers to still make money as it would cause a bigger decline due to the accessibility of news in society today because it is made free. He argues that print is dying out and newspaper articles are now going online for free rather than paying for articles. Those who are getting their news from the internet can pick what they want to read and how they receive their news as it can be done through internet pages, social media blogs and other ways.The government are also going to take action and they're going to see what people are searching by patrolling the internet. People have become use to the advances in new and digital media which makes it easier to gain access to things and one of these things being the news is made easier through online websites so good quality journalism isn't paid for.

3) The internet has both pros and cons and has done good and bad for us. With the internet being easily accessible in society, it is now easier for news to be spread out on a wider content in a shorter amount of time. However it is bad for journalists as it is harder for them to maintain their job as people can report news with advances in technology. I think that the internet is a good thing for society to report news but it is misused and should be paid for so the news is of high quality when it is reported and we’re reported what is actually happening rather than being misled. However, citizen journalism makes it easier to get the peoples view point and is easily accessible for us to get news that journalists cannot get access to.

4) I think that there should be a pay wall because people reporting news themselves may not always be accurate and the information isn't regulated. In society we need to be reported news which is accurate but at times news isn't always reported this way which is why citizen journalism is a good thing to have. However, the power of this is misused by people at times and could make stories up or whatever is happening which could cause people to have a negative view on a topic causing their ideology to change which will have a negative on them. News should have a certain level of quality and accuracy when released towards the public which is what journalists provide us with which is why i think we need a pay wall.

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