1) Why was Google Glass controversial?
It was controversial because people were afraid that it was their privacy that was being leaked into. The glasses were able to record and people saw this as a threat where it was seen that it would potentially gain insight to their whole lifestyle and everyday life.
2) What are the positive elements to Globalisation that the article highlights?
One big element was that more people would be getting access to the internet and this would allow them to get more information which is beneficial to them. Google has also allowed there to be internet access in certain parts of New Zealand with balloons which have antennas to provide them with internet.
3) What are potential negatives to Globalisation?
If this happens then there will be less institutions who are in control but also it would influence peoples ideology as there would be access to information whenever they go online but it might not be true if it circulates which people then start to believe that it is real.
4) What is a techno-panic? How does it link to moral panics?
Techno panic is created because people are scared that the technology is going to invade their privacy which creates a moral panic because people are worried about this actually happening.
5) What is your opinion on the privacy debate and major corporations being able to access large quantities of personal data?
I think that Google shouldn't be allowed to access large amounts of data from the consumer unless they know about it but also have to give consent. Although it is said to be done to improve peoples experience with the internet it is peoples privacy which is being invaded and because of this there shouldn't be large amounts of information accessed.
Media Factsheet: Globalisation and capitalism
1) Who coined the phrase 'a global village' and what multinational companies illustrate this?
Marshall McLuhan created the idea that we have a global village and it is the idea that countries become interconnected and independent especially in economic terms. BBC is an example of this.
2) What role does Slavoj Zizek suggest the media plays in global capitalism? How can you link this to our previous work on Marxism and Hegemony?
Capitalism is where the country is controlled by private institutions and everything that happens in the country stays within it such as the exchange for goods and services. This links to Marxism and Hegemony because countries become interconnected and independent especially in economic terms.
3) What does 'capitalism with a conscience' mean?
The idea that when we buy something we aren't just buying the product but we are also buying the lifestyle and stereotypes that come with it.
4) What is the (PRODUCT) RED campaign?
It is a private sector company that is trying the eliminate aids in Africa and it came together with lots of other firms such as Nike to raise awareness about this through advertisement.
5) Based on what you've read in the Factsheet, what is YOUR opinion of the (PRODUCT) RED brand? Is it a positive force helping to fight AIDS in Africa or a cynical attempt to make multinational companies look more ethical than they actually are?
I think that it is a positive thing that is being done because people are now more aware of the cause and if they see a brand which is promoting it that they are associated with they'll be more inclined to go and support it and help create awareness as well on social media websites.
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