Thursday 2 February 2017

Identities: Post-colonial theory & blog tasks

  1. Kindulthood
  2. Anuvahood
  3. Bullet Boy
  4. Star Trek
  5. Ill Manors
  1. Dr Who
  2. Top Boy
  3. Luther
  4. 55 Degrees North
  5. Goodness Gracious Me
Online-only productions:
  1. 3 Non-Blondes
  2. The Ryan Sisters
  3. All About The Mckenzies 
  4. Venus Vs Mars
  5. Meet the Adebanjos 
Gone too far fits Alvarados theory and fits into the category of humorous and exotic. This is seen by the traditional African clothing that is being worn by the mother and a more traditional thing that we see in today's society is the clothing of yemi. The humour of the film is based around the lifestyles and cultures clashing which is a key theme throughout the whole film.

Tight jeans also fits the theory as this is comedic but stereotypical that the youth are presented as being criminals due to their clothing and hanging out in the urban area which is commonly stereotyped in today's society by the media.

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