Monday, 13 March 2017

MEST3 NDM stories: updated index

1.Weekly New/Digital Media homework the new sky box  16/09/16
2.Weekly New/Digital Media homework facebook and censoring 16/09/16
3.Weekly New/Digital Media homework police offer smashing car and trends on ig 23/09/16
4.Weekly New/Digital Media homework  youtube channels sharing their view23/09/16
5.Weekly New/Digital Media homework creating ai 30/09/16
6.Weekly New/Digital Media homework  blackberry stop making phones 30/09/16
7.Weekly New/Digital Media homework  teenagers using their phones too much 07/09/16
8.Weekly New/Digital Media homework toyota making robot babies 07/09/16
9.Weekly New/Digital Media homework new playstation virtual reality headset 14/09/16
10.Weekly New/Digital Media homework samsung phones blow up14/09/16
11.Weekly New/Digital Media homework artificial intelligence 21/20/16
12.Weekly New/Digital Media homework self driving cars 21/10/16
13.Weekly New/Digital Media homework AI will end up killing us 28/10/16
14.Weekly New/Digital Media homework spotify leading app 28/10/16
15.Weekly New/Digital Media homework offline Netflix service 04/11/16
16.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Facebook wanting to protect us 04/11/16
17.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Facebook influencing the US election 11/11/16
18.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Technology which keeps us safe 11/11/16
19.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Tesla helping everyone get Wi-Fi 18/11/16
20.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Snapchat glasses which record 18/11/16
21.Weekly New/Digital Media homework robots delivering food 25/11/16
22.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Pixel Phone 25/11/16
23.Weekly New/Digital Media homework worlds faster computer 02/12/16
24.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Facebook getting rid of fake news 02/12/16
25.Weekly New/Digital Media homework 3D printer 09/12/16
26.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Samsung new S8 09/12/16
27.Weekly New/Digital Media homework complex magazine  16/12/16
28.Weekly New/Digital Media homework childrens privacy invaded 16/12/16
29.Weekly New/Digital Media homework illegal downloads 24/12/16
31.Weekly New/Digital Media homework decline in TV 24/12/16
31 Weekly New/Digital Media homework use of Snapchat 31/12/16
32.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Cyber bullying 31/12/16
33.Weekly New/Digital Media homework phone usage 07/01/17
34.Weekly New/Digital Media homework china firewall 07/01/17
35.Weekly New/Digital Media homework social media dangers 14/01/17
36.Weekly New/Digital Media homework lilly drone14/01/17
37.Weekly New/Digital Media homework uber x 21/01/17
38.Weekly New/Digital Media homework cyber crime 21/01/17
39.Weekly New/Digital Media homework sky box 28/01/17
40.Weekly New/Digital Media homework facebook competition with snapchat 28/01/17
41.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Trump bans refugees 04/02/17
42.Weekly New/Digital Media homework facebook helping people to stay safe 04/02/17
43.Weekly New/Digital Media homework facebook and suicide 11/02/17
44.Weekly New/Digital Media homework deleting facebook accounts 11/02/17
45.Weekly New/Digital Media homework abuse on twitter 18/02/17
46.Weekly New/Digital Media homework 5G phones18/02/17
47.Weekly New/Digital Media homework nintendo switch 25/02/17
48.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Snapchat worth 25/02/17
49.Weekly New/Digital Media homework Yahoo hacked 03/03/17
50.Weekly New/Digital Media homework robots taking future jobs 03/03/17

Friday, 10 March 2017

MEST3 Identity: updated index

Identity and the wider media

1) The Factsheet discusses how identity is a complex subject. What does it suggest defines our identity?

An arrangement of connections is the thing that characterises us as a being, we can characterise our self as being who we need to be, other individuals' views on us, who we think we are.

2) Complete the task on page 2: suggest media texts that could reinforce that someone is non-mainstream; edgy; a pleasure seeker; fashionable; witty and fun; cutting-edge.

Witty and fun - Family Guy, comedy films
Cutting edge - Innovative ideas and keeping up to date with the latest technology
Fashionable - Fashion magazines
Pleasure Seeker - Adventures, holidays 
Edgy - Horror, thriller
Non Mainstream - Arthouse films

3) What examples are suggested for a case study on urban youth?

Jeremy Kyle - this highlights the youth and people who are stereotyped as being chavs. Reflects on the people in society of a lower class and presenting them as being incapable of behaving in a humane way.

4) What does Hebdige argue with regards to youth culture?

The youth culture is dominant and influenced by lifestyle and choices that are made by themselves and not others. Urban youth can be seen as negative and this can create a moral panic in society.

5) What other theorists are referenced alongside Hebdige? How do they link to the issue of youth identity?

Acland - the youths as being deviant in society
Perkins - representation of people

6) How can we link our Year 12 case study on Ill Manors to youth and identity? What specific examples from the case study could be used to discuss Hebdige’s theory that youth culture challenges mainstream culture and dominant ideologies?

This can be linked to the song that was created as it reflects the stereotypical lifestyle which is associated with this culture and tries to show that this isn't what the youth are like. This is also seen with the tag London campaign to show that the problem is society and not the people in it.

7) What does theorist David Gauntlett suggest regarding the media’s influence over the construction of identities?

The media influences us and shapes our ideology, this creates our self identity. Stereotypes are now also presented as they have been done so in the past before but they're able to shape peoples mindset more as they more exposed to the media.

8) Do you agree that Hebdige’s view that youth culture will always seek to resist mainstream culture and challenge dominant ideologies?

I think that this won't always be the case and that it isn't always a case now. There are a small minority of people do resist this and is usually made into a moral panic and is used as a scapegoat for other problems that are happening in the country.

Collective identity: blog task

1) Read the article and summarise each section in one sentence, starting with the section 'Who are you?'

Who are you - the way we view our self and the representation of it.
I think, therefore i am - our identity is based on social constructs
From citizen to consumer - informing people about their wants and needs
The rise of the individual - become yourself and shape who you really are
Branding and lifestyle - the product is a reflection of your personality 
Who will you be - corporations creating products for the consumer to construct their identity

2) List five brands you are happy to be associated with and explain how they reflect your sense of identity.

Adidas - lifestyle choice and a well established brand
Sony - luxury and advance with the technology
BMW - luxury lifestyle, wealth, importance
Apple - well established, keeping up with the technology, advance
Spotify - liking music 

3) Do you agree with the view that modern media is all about 'style over substance'? What does this expression mean?

Yes because the media sell goods and services which is used to promote people to buy their products as it's a reflection of themselves. People are wanting materialistic things to keep themselves happy and is now more of a social construct.

4) Explain Baudrillard's theory of 'media saturation' in one paragraph. You may need to research it online to find out more.

The expanding strength of the broad communications and what Baudrillard calls 'media immersion' brings about high social esteem being put on outer variables, for example, physical excellence and sense over inside attributes. For example, insight or empathy.

5) Is your presence on social media an accurate reflection of who you are? Have you ever added or removed a picture from a social media site purely because of what it says about the type of person you are?

I think it doesn't reflect who you are exactly but is more of a reflection of your likes and interests, it doesn't give people the insight to know a person exactly and how they behave but to some extent does represent who they are through the likes and interests of an individual.

6) What is your opinion on 'data mining'? Are you happy for companies to sell you products based on your social media presence and online search terms? Is this an invasion of privacy?

I think that it is a good thing as it makes using the internet more accessible for people which gives them a better experience but is also an invasion of privacy and that there should be some level of understanding that the audience needs to know about.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Identities: applying feminism

1) What are the five types of feminism outlined on the first page of the Factsheet?

Feminists - 
This type of feminism sees the cause of women’s oppression as men. It assumes that men deliberately exploit women as this benefits them. One of the main aims of this theory is to address concerns over violence against women, especially in

sexual relationships.

Marxist Feminists - This feminist approach looks at women’s oppression in relation to capitalism and the class system. One of the aims of this type of feminism is to look at the role of domestic labour within capitalism, namely that women work in the home for ‘free’, and the role women play in producing the next generation of the labour force.

Black Feminists - This approach is primarily concerned with black and Asian women’s experiences of oppression and exploitation. It combines ideas about capitalism, patriarchy and anti-racism.

Liberal Feminists - This type of feminism is mainly concerned with gender socialisation in order to show that gender roles are not biologically determined. The main aim of this type of feminism is to change the ways children are socialised into stereotypical gender roles and to attempt to change social policy to improve the position of women within the family.

Postmodern Feminists - This type of feminism is associated with third wave feminists. It acknowledges the diversity amongst women and encourages individual women to find feminist ideas that combine with their own experiences of life to create a brand of

feminism suitable for them.

2) Which category would Judith Butler fit into? What about Angela McRobbie? Laura Bates and Everyday Sexism? Explain your answers.

Butler - Liberal Feminist 

McRobbie - Postmodern Feminist 
Bates - Radical Feminist 

3) What was the difference between suffragists and suffragettes? Which approach do you agree with?

Suffragettes are a group of people who fought for the rights of women and did so using physical means whereas the suffragists did this peacefully. I agree with the Suffragists as a peaceful protest is the way to get your point across without the use of violence causing anyone to get hurt.

4) What was Laura Mulvey's argument regarding Hollywood film? Do you agree with it? Why?

Mulvey argues that women are objectified in films and when the camera is positioned on a women it is as if it's from a males perspective and this is what the male gaze is.

5) Watch this YouTube video extract on Jean Kilbourne's Killing Us Softly series and list five examples she gives of the media objectifying women:

"its about how you look in you jeans"

"Honey, your antiperspirant spray just doesn't do it" - antiperspirant product 
"My boyfriend said he loved me for my mind, I was never so insulted in my life" 

6) What is Killbourne's argument regarding the representation of women in advertising?

Kilbourne argues that women are striving for perfection and that when they can't achieve this they are told as being normal. This is seen in Jessica Albas picture where the size of her waist was reduced but the size of her breasts were kept the same.

7) What is Naomi Wolf's argument in The Beauty Myth?

Wolf claims that the notion of ‘beauty’ is entirely socially constructed and patriarchal. This means that it is men who create what is beautiful in a women and how they should be represented in the media. Even though women have gained more equality men still oppress women.

8) Why is the representation of women in music videos a controversial topic for feminists?

This is seen as controversial as women are presented sexually which reinforces the male gaze and this could oppress women's roles in society and also in some music videos they are seen to carry stereotypical domestic roles which are in the household.

9) What is your view of female artists such as Nicki Minaj or Beyonce - do they empower women or reinforce sexist, patriarchal views?

I think that they both empower women as they use their sexuality and show the strength around it rather than reinforcing the negative roles that women are seen to do. This is also seen with the position that both artists are at in the industry that they're in as they're at the top which shows them opposing the view of women being empowered.

10) Has new and digital media given women an opportunity to challenge sexist views or is it simply another media platform for women to be oppressed? Explain your view

I think that it is now easier for women to fight back against sexiest views that women receive as people now have more knowledge about the issues surrounding this debate. However, there will be cases where people are posting things which are set to oppress women and this could potentially shape someones ideology who is vulnerable to think in a certain way.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Identities and Film: blog task

1) Read Media Factsheet 142: Identity and Film.

2) Complete the Twenty Statements Test yourself. This means answering the question ‘Who am I?’ 20 times with 20 different answers. What do they say about your identity? Write the 20 answers in full on your blog.

I am a son
I am a student
I am a brother
I am 6ft
I am brown
I am Asian
I am Sikh
I am 17
I am a football fan
I am happy
I am healthy
I am committed 
I am a grandson
I am a cousin
I am a uncle
I am a basketball fan
I am tired
I am against racism
I am a fan of chicken
I am a fan of grime

3) Classify your answers into the categories listed  on the Factsheet: Social groups, ideological beliefs, interests etc.

Social groups and classifications:
I am a grandson
I am a cousin
I am a uncle
I am a son
I am a student

I am a brother
I am 17
I am 6ft

Ideological beliefs: 
I am Asian
I am Sikh

I am a basketball fan
I am against racism
I am a fan of chicken
I am a fan of grime
I am a football fan

I am tired
I am happy

I am healthy

4) Go back to your favourite film (as identified in the lesson). What does this choice of film say about your identity? Are there any identities within the film (e.g. certain characters) that particularly resonated with your values and beliefs?

My favourite film is American Gangster 2008. The film shows that I am a more traditional and respect films which are historical events which have occurred. It is a film which is about family, morals and supporting people around you as well as the community that you were raised in.  

5) Watch the trailers for the five films highlighted as examples of gay/lesbian representation in mainstream film. How are LGBT identities constructed in the trailers and how are audiences encouraged to respond to these representations?

Wilde (1997): The film is asking the audience to confine with the ideas of gays/lesbians but to sympathise with them. This is to highlight how people should be comfortable with who they are and their beliefs and sexuality, rather than it being a crime but to accept who you are.

Philadelphia (1993): The film strikes a moral panic about the issues around sex and aids. It highlights that being gay doesn't stop you in reaching your goal to success and accomplishing things.

The wedding Banquet (1993): The film challenges lots of things including race and homophobia. The Chinese family is very traditional and introduces a white male man who both have to mask their identities in society in order to feel accepted. 

The kids are alright (2010): This is a negative view as the two females are seen to be incapable of raising children as they want to see their farther and that it is a male role model who is the one keeping peace in the family as it's seen that a family has to be a nuclear one. This consists of a mother, farther and children.

Pride (2014): The LGBT are represented as accepting their identity, the older generation however aren't aware of the gay community and what they're standing for exactly. People are reclaiming their identities and becoming comfortable.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Weekly New/Digital Media 03/03/17

Robots are set to take future jobs in the future and rather than benefiting those already at work it's going to cause them to lose their jobs but help the rich gain more money as they won't need to employe as many people if not anyone at all.

I think that this would be bad for the economy as it would cause people to have no money and be out of work for a long time. They won't be able to find any jobs which would cause people to struggle.

Weekly New/Digital Media 03/03/17

Yahoo has been hacked and loses out on millions Ms Mayer said she would like her bonus to be distributed to Yahoo's entire 8,500-strong workforce. People's email addresses had been stolen which was around 500 million users.

Yahoo should have better security when holding people's information and should be paying their staff for the money that has been lost due to the hackers causing millions to be lost.

Weekly New/Digital Media 10/02/17

Facebook is now helping prevent people from committing suicide by tracking information on their website. They're using AI to identify who is at risk and prevent them from committing suicide.

I think that this is a good way to help people from committing suicide as they'll be stopped but the technology would have to be tested properly as it may get information wrong.

Weekly New/Digital Media 10/02/17

Facebook has now given its users the option to delete their account. Those who have done so have said that they've felt like they've been cut off from the world. You're able to deactivate and then if you want to log back in you can do so with the same email and password.

Social media has become a norm in society for people to community with eachother rather than going out and actually meeting up. It's more convenient and allows people to save more time but the down side is that they don't get away from the technology they're always using.

Weekly New/Digital Media 17/02/17

Phones are now taking it to another level as there will be 5G in the future. This will be taking the speed to another level on phones. Phones will be more efficient and will help people on their day to day basis making Internet access easier.

People are using the Internet and their phones on a day to day basis and this will help people improve their usage on their phones and will make it convenient for their daily life.

Weekly New/Digital Media 17/02/17

Twitter is adding more tools to prevent abuse on their social media website. It is put into place to stop people from trolling. Those who are abusing people on the website and then try to make a new account are also going to be challenged in making a new account to prevent them from committing the crime again.

This is a good way to restrict people who are causing a nuisance to social media websites and causing people to be victims of abuse online.

Weekly New/Digital Media Homework 24/02/17

Nintendo has now released its new console the Nintendo switch. People have started to put the cartridges in their mouth and this has caused people to spark a debate about the taste of the console. 

The console has changed the way people play games regardless of the strange debate it's sparked. It shows how Nintendo has still managed to keep up with the latest technology after all these years and manages to complete with big gaming brands even now.

Weekly New/Digital Media Homework 24/02/17

Snapchat are now worth $29 billion. The company’s share price rose 41% from its guide price of $17 a share to an opening price of $24. According to Snapchat, 158 million people use the service each day and create 2.5bn “snaps” between them. Revenues have grown, from $58.7m in 2015 to $404.5m in 2016, losses also mounted to $514m in 2016 from almost $373m a year earlier.

This highlights how social media is shaping people's lives and that it's used on a day to day basis in people's lives. They're able to access news, gossip, information within their finger tips.