Friday, 10 March 2017

Identity and the wider media

1) The Factsheet discusses how identity is a complex subject. What does it suggest defines our identity?

An arrangement of connections is the thing that characterises us as a being, we can characterise our self as being who we need to be, other individuals' views on us, who we think we are.

2) Complete the task on page 2: suggest media texts that could reinforce that someone is non-mainstream; edgy; a pleasure seeker; fashionable; witty and fun; cutting-edge.

Witty and fun - Family Guy, comedy films
Cutting edge - Innovative ideas and keeping up to date with the latest technology
Fashionable - Fashion magazines
Pleasure Seeker - Adventures, holidays 
Edgy - Horror, thriller
Non Mainstream - Arthouse films

3) What examples are suggested for a case study on urban youth?

Jeremy Kyle - this highlights the youth and people who are stereotyped as being chavs. Reflects on the people in society of a lower class and presenting them as being incapable of behaving in a humane way.

4) What does Hebdige argue with regards to youth culture?

The youth culture is dominant and influenced by lifestyle and choices that are made by themselves and not others. Urban youth can be seen as negative and this can create a moral panic in society.

5) What other theorists are referenced alongside Hebdige? How do they link to the issue of youth identity?

Acland - the youths as being deviant in society
Perkins - representation of people

6) How can we link our Year 12 case study on Ill Manors to youth and identity? What specific examples from the case study could be used to discuss Hebdige’s theory that youth culture challenges mainstream culture and dominant ideologies?

This can be linked to the song that was created as it reflects the stereotypical lifestyle which is associated with this culture and tries to show that this isn't what the youth are like. This is also seen with the tag London campaign to show that the problem is society and not the people in it.

7) What does theorist David Gauntlett suggest regarding the media’s influence over the construction of identities?

The media influences us and shapes our ideology, this creates our self identity. Stereotypes are now also presented as they have been done so in the past before but they're able to shape peoples mindset more as they more exposed to the media.

8) Do you agree that Hebdige’s view that youth culture will always seek to resist mainstream culture and challenge dominant ideologies?

I think that this won't always be the case and that it isn't always a case now. There are a small minority of people do resist this and is usually made into a moral panic and is used as a scapegoat for other problems that are happening in the country.

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